Misty's playful babe
Maybe this happens all the time but I hadn't seen it before, Misty has a v nice little bull calf and he likes to rub under her neck and chin (the photo opportunity you never have a camera for) which looks so cute. I found her on her knees recently when I went to check, I called 'whatever's the matter Misty?' with some concern, then realised she had got down to the calf's level to play proper butting games with him they were having a lovely time. What a privilege to see moments like that.
Now that's mother love for you. She knew her son needed someone to play with, so she had to make do herself. Usually there are other calves around, so the mums can concentrate on eating. But I have noticed some of our younger mums, have a really close relationship with their calves. Its lovely to watch. They're so intelligent aren't they. :laugh: