Current state of Dexter Cattle Society
Many members of the Dexter Cattle Society are well aware that there is considerable discontent in our Society at present. There are a number of reasons for this, and there are a number of ways in which this is showing itself.
Many of you will know that I have been a member of the society for more than 30 years, I have served on Council as an Honorary Vice President in the 1990’s, and more recently as an elected Council member. I have worked for the good of the Society in many ways, on sub committees, as an Inspector for sales, Bull Inspector, Field Advisor, and was made an Honorary Life Member some years ago.
We had a constitutional crisis some years ago when a group of people took over a meeting and hijacked the Society, styling themselves the “Steering Group”. This was largely the result of poor interpersonal relations within the society, which I had spotted and had offered to get someone I knew who was an expert in such organisational matters to help, at my expense.. The help was refused before the Steering Committee, during the time of the Steering Committee and by the new Council when we got back to a constitutional council again.
Since that time an obsession with control has taken over, with several changes being made which make it much easier for a small group to totally control the Society. This is being achieved through a very small number of individuals influencing matters from committee level through to council and indeed to control of AGM matters. The membership are becoming increasingly irrelevant to these people who will use many techniques to maintain their control. Rules are enforced when it suits their purpose, but ignored when it benefits them to ignore the rules.
So called “confidentiality” is widely abused, pressure put on all council members to treat any discussion in council as confidential whilst those “in the know” are given all the details immediately – I was well aware of this when last serving on council, since contacts in the south east and south west of England would already be aware of proceedings before I got back to Bute after council meetings. Council minutes are regarded as totally secret, and in fact Company Law is being ignored and current council members are not allowed to have access to previous council minutes.
Legal advice is used to back controversial decisions, but members, who are paying thousands of pounds every year for this advice, are not allowed to see either the points put to advisors or the answers given. Even council members are not allowed to see the actual full advice given.
As a result of this situation three former council members got together and put a resolution to the AGM, with the backing of well over 60 DCS members, including past presidents, past chairmen of council, very active show people, indeed a wide cross section of our membership. The resolution has been discarded on technicalities by those in control, not even discussed by full council, and resulting in the disgraceful letter from Tim Sparrow to the membership which grossly misrepresented the situation.
At the moment the best course of action is unclear. I would encourage as many as possible who support us to attend the AGM and make their feelings known. Decisions on next moves will follow depending on AGM outcome.
Anyone wishing to contact me can do so on 07775854441 or email
Duncan MacIntyre, DCS membership no 00316]