Close the discussion board?

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Re: Close the discussion board?

Post by moomin »

Please Mark keep the board open. I have been able to share Pat Shorts illness with you all and so many have sent her cards and well wishes. It has been a great comfort and support to her. Couldn't have done it without the board. Thank you so much for your website Mark.
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Joined: Fri Oct 01, 2004 1:42 pm
Location: Monmouthshire, South Wales

Re: Close the discussion board?

Post by Saffy »

JohnnyP ... is she being suckled? Is the calf emptying those quarters regularly now? It won't help if the calf has got to know that they don't taste good and is ignoring them. If she will allow milking it may clear more quickly if you can milk them right out several times a day. BUT I know none of mine would be up for it!!!
Stephanie Powell
Duffryn Dexters 32824
Abergavenny ... 609196773/
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