Secretary Resigns. Version 2 - Technical Glitch

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Post by Sylvia »

Felicity, thanks for sending me a copy of the letter.

I think it was wise to publicise what is going on, however uncomfortable it may be for all concerned. Total transparency is useful in times of strife. Not only does it stop speculation, the threat of it might just make people behave in a more civilised fashion. There I go, stating the obvious again.

I hope the November meeting is well documented and available too. I won't be there - knee deep in alpaca babes at present 5 down and about 20 to come and unlike the Dexters some of them are not quite so adept at managing all by themselves.
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Post by Broomcroft »

I have just read Yvonne's letter. Timing is essential and is fast running out and the speed with which things are happening, appears to be like a slug on valium, to use a quaint expression. Even if an EGM is called, (mid-November?) it will be too close to her resignation to mean anything, and it may already be too late. She needs to earn a living presumably, so needs to look elsewhere!

In her letter, Yvonne generously and sensibly offers to extend the period of notice so that the smooth running of the society and it's records are maintained. If the offer is still open from Yvonne, has it been taken up? Because if not, it should be, and it should be done IMMEDIATELY.

Edited By Broomcroft on 1193573119
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Post by Broomcroft »

PS. Sorry for "slugs on valium". It's a term that could be taken as offensive in an email. My mistake. Apologies to anyone offended.
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Post by welshdexterboy »

Hi Duncan I used the name welshdexterboy because when i was on another site awhile ago everyone used these so i thought when it asked for a name that is what it wanted. I have no problem with you and anyone else knowing who i am, I am Rob Harper Snipesbay and i did the scoring during the nine pin bowling!! Do you remember now? I also met Veronica and it may have been Jo the lady who told the story about her Mother in a car----plus many other very nice aminiable people who made my first AGM memorable.
Rob H
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Post by natmadaboutdexters »

I also use a nickname, I don't think it is unusual and I often sign off any message with my real name anyway. I know a lot of sites seem to encourage nicknames for originality, but I would have no problem using my own name for signing in.

from Natasha Lewis
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Post by Colin »

If people are using a nickname and wish to reveal their real name, their profile can be updated to include this. I personally think that would be useful. It would also be nice to know the location and herdname.

Colin Williams
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Post by Colin »

oops perhaps not. I just added my surname (Williams) to my profile but the system won't allow it to display.

Colin Williams
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Post by Martin »

Hi Colin, I have just updated my profile. There are ways of giving information if you wish, check it out.

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Post by Colin »

Thanks Martin. What I tried to do was to update the profile entry called This member's real name. I could do that okay, but it doesn't display when you view the profile. Instead it says: The administrators of this board decided to keep this private.

Mark perhaps you can enlighten us on this ?

Colin Williams
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Post by Inger »

Your AGMs appear to be far more exciting than ours. Peter did say that there wasn't much controversy in ours. All the best with trying to sort everything out.
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Post by PeterO »

Inger wrote:Your AGMs appear to be far more exciting than ours. Peter did say that there wasn't much controversy in ours. All the best with trying to sort everything out.
Cheer up Inger - now you have got me on board I am sure I can stir the NZ AGM up :)

Why isn't there a NZ 'dexter cattle' forum?
Why doesn't the NZ DCS hold imported semen for sale etc

To balance it out - why doesn't the (UK) DCS produce a Handbook for new members like the excellent NZ one and a CD Herdbook to the standard of the NZ one which is great (and costs £3.70)
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Post by Sylvia »

Stirring in 2 continents, Peter, well done, that's impressive. Any chance of an update on how things are going? Apart from the stirring of course. :D
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Post by Woodmagic »

Putting forward propositions for improvement is one thing. Stirring is something quite different. Why do I keep seeing a herd of Dexters milling round in a field and charging one another!!! . I hope Peter you don’t introduce the Dexter aggression into New Zealand. The present mayhem on Council is a dead loss. The energy and money that is being wasted would be much better harnessed to improve the lot of the Dexter. I hope tomorrow the troublemakers can be identified, and Council members persuaded to turn their attention to using our resources to promote the Dexter, keeping the wishes and needs of the membership to the fore by proper communication with them on a regular basis. Hopefully with our present excellent Secretary in place.
Incidentally, Peter, New Zealand already has a very good unofficial Dexter web site, one of the first. Perhaps you can persuade John Paterson to start a message board on it.
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Post by Sylvia »

And there was me believing that all the Dexter aggression was limited to the committee room of DCS and all our fields were filled with mild mannered, good natured bovines who could teach the people a thing or two about tolerance. Another belief shattered.
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Post by AlisonKirk »

Beryl - I agree with you entirely.

Why certain members of Council cannot work as part of a team is unbelievable. In my own working environment, the type of behaviour exhibited by some Council members towards their colleagues & Breed Secretary would certainly not be tolerated and would have serious consequences for the perpetrators.

There is a term 'bullying / harassment in the workplace" - it may be carried out in a subtle way or otherwise. Bullying and harassment takes many forms, occurs in a variety of ways and may be directed at an individual or group of individuals. Behaviour which one person finds acceptable may cause annoyance or outrage to another.

"Bullying can significantly erode the professional and personal lives of working men and women. The unpredictable behaviour and the often-unseen aggression of a bully can engender fear for a large number of staff. Personal and organisational performance may be affected and high absenteeism and in many cases prolonged sick leave is often the result. Careers may be fractured and financial repercussions may result. There may also be devastating effects on the bullied person's personal life."

Unfortunately a culture of unacceptable behaviour by some Council members appears to have developed over the past five or six years, which in my opinion would come under the above category.

The membership have been reluctant to stand for Council and, therefore, some Council members seem to have been continuously at the managerial end of the Society. Some of those members keen to stand for Council have resigned before the end of their term of office, mostly through the behaviour of a few. This cannot be tolerated any longer and for the sake of the Society needs to be dealt with immediately.

Paragraph 4 above - perhaps some Council members are not aware or have not given much thought of how their actions impact upon colleagues. How would the individuals feel if they were treated as they have treated their colleagues?

Alison Kirk
Boram Dexters

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