Hi Hopefully there may be some light at the end of the tunnel
new movement rules for low risk area's see below
FMD Low Risk Area
The Low Risk Area covers the rest of England outside the FMD Risk Area and Bluetongue Temporary Area. The existing FMD movements continue to apply but direct farm-to-farm movements will also be permitted under strict conditions and subject to high levels of bio-security. Movements are only permitted under a self-declaration of compliance with the General Licence conditions.
The General Licence conditions include:
* Reading, understanding and signing a movement declaration
* No multiple pick-ups or drop-offs
* 20-day standstill
* High bio-security, including Cleansing & Disinfection of all vehicles carrying livestock at departure and arrival
* Up to date record keeping
for more information go to http://www.defra.gov.uk/animalh....dex.htm