I may be taking in a first time calver at about 30 months of age to the butcher after weaning her calf. How long should I wait after weaning and will having a calf affect the tenderness of the beef? In other words, will I have the same quality of beef as I would from a steer/heifer of the same age? My butcher hangs meat for 2 weeks maximum.
Meat of a heifer is by some people considered superior, to bullocks,
I've not killed one which has calved but have always had good feed back from heifers from my customers on ones I have butchered around the 30 mths.
I sincerely hope so, Clive, it is only the over 10 year olds+ who can't go into the food chain and they go on the (soon to be closing) scheme. Before BSE I would have thought most prime beef was from animals over 30 months and the under 30 month animals might have been termed baby beef or something. I've spoken to a couple of people who've had cows for a lot longer than me and they confirm this.
a heifer who has calved is meant to be the best beef of all, so I would market it well!
Yes, we can all sell post 1996 beef providing we use the approved abattoirs, it just cost more to get them slaughtered.
Yes, I'd be interested to know how long I should leave between weaning a calf and having the cow butchered. I normally wean the calf at 6 months of age.
Meat looked very attractive. Much leaner than we have had from previous younger animals, but still with nice marbling. Also looked a darker colour. Taste absolutey first rate and tenderness no different from previous ones. It was hung for just over 3 weeks. I'd have no qualms about doing the same again.