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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:56 am
by oliver1921
Help - I am totaly confused by the 10 year and over age rule - like so many others we have cows of a variety of ages, a couple of 12 others approaching 10 years and obviously some younger ones. please help with some simple advice - what do we do with the ones over 10 - do we just let them carry on calving and live their lives out and then when the time comes get them taken away (free collection I hear!). The ones approaching 10 should we sell them just under 10 - if so how do we go about it. is the 24 month rule coming in, if so when? If anyone could help answer our questions in plain english (or scottish) it would be greatly appreciated. We are in West Yorkshire if it makes any difference.
Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:21 pm
by Jo Kemp
As far as I can gather, any animal born before ?1st July 1996 cannot go into the meat chain. The OTMS (called something else) still applies to these older animals for about 2 years only. They will still qualify for testing for BSE and therefore collection would be free but no payout after the end of the special scheme in 2007/8.
I am going to let my old girls continue breeding and they can remain here until they are no longer healthy and happy. I have 2 x 15 yr olds - one still breeding, the other possibly finished and they are loved... they also still rule the roost!
If I wanted money for them they would have to go before the end of the scheme.
Hope that is a)correct and b) reasonably understandable!
Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:00 pm
by Duncan MacIntyre
Jo is right, the important thing is that the scheme, Older Cattle Disposal Scheme, OCDS, is only open to cattle bornon or before 31st July 1996. So those born from 1st August 1996 on will never be eligible for the scheme. The on farm collection of casualties is also much stricter, only those which are unable to travel because of an accident are eligible, and they are being very strict on this. Any cattle dead on farm over 24 months should be lifted under the fallen stock scheme. My interpretation of this is that if you have a cow you do not want to consign to a collection centre or slaughterhouse she could be euthanased on farm and collected, so avoiding having to transport your old faithfuls.
Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:19 pm
by oliver1921
Thanks for the help - I think I am a bit clearer. We have a cow DOB 22.10.96 who I was considering disposing of this Autumn - a bit of a grumpy old think with a dropped bag. do we therefor put this in the scheme before 22.10.96, if so who do we need to contact, is it DEFRA or our local abattoir. although not mercenary what should we get for her or will it be a cost. Do we in future need to make sure all our cattle go before their 10th birthday or just the old girls we dont want to see through to their dying days and have to pay to be collected. Many Thanks
Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:38 pm
by Duncan MacIntyre
Sorry maybe I did not make it clear enough, there is no scheme for 10 year olds.
The date of birth of eligible cows is not going to change as time goes on.
There is the OCDS for cows which were born before 31st July 1996, so your old cow born in October 1996 will NEVER go to that scheme. She has to go the way of all cows now, ie market, or slaughterhouse if one will take her, or if she is not worth anything have her shot on farm and taken away as dead stock.