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Monmouthshire/South Wales Group?

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 2:53 pm
by Saffy
Quite a few years ago I put a post on here about starting a Monmouthshire Dexter Group which included people from Gloucestershire and Herefordshire as well....I think its time to start again but maybe a South Wales Group would be a better idea.

The original group was small but met for a few years, it was enjoyable and friendly, we looked at each others cattle, drank tea and coffee, talked lots about Dexters and ate cake but it fizzled out, partly due to stock reduction and people moving away.

If you are interested what would you want from it? Would you like to help? Where would you want to meet? What area do you think it should cover - I am open to suggestions, but I think perhaps if it covers a bigger area this time, as a larger membership would probably be a good thing?!

So if you are from anywhere in, or just outside South Wales and would like to be part of a new group I would like to hear from you!!!

Let me know your thoughts below...... or you can email

or 01600 780560

Re: Monmouthshire/South Wales Group?

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 10:18 am
by Jac
A Group is much needed in Wales and hope that this time round it keeps going.

Further thoughts on e-group as perhaps it may help other groups struggling with attendances? How about two rates of membership fee? One that gives members e-mail communication only plus membership of a private online group and attendance at AGM or a higher rate membership fee to attend any organised events free of charge (if e-members wish to attend the odd event then there is an entrance charge).

Re: Monmouthshire/South Wales Group?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 12:20 pm
by Saffy
Just bringing this back to the top. A few people have got in touch. It would be nice to hear from members that joined the old group as well.

I am hoping to have the first meeting in April but it might not be until May depending on what people want to do.


Re: Monmouthshire/South Wales Group?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:45 pm
by Saffy
It will probably be May for the first meeting does anyone have a suggestion of where?

Re: Monmouthshire/South Wales Group?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:50 pm
by Saffy
Could I have a bit of feed back on venue please?

At the moment I am considering either booking a hall or a large table in a nice pub, for out first meeting, somewhere near the end of May, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, which is your preference???

There are pros and cons to both..... the hall will give us more privacy but we will have to pay for the space.

The pub is one I went to for a similar thing at the end of last year and people could order quite a nice meal to eat whilst we chatted about our animals if they were feeling peckish!

Both the pub and the hall are in the Brecon area as it is fairly central.

Other ideas are most welcome....let me know.

01600 780560

Re: Monmouthshire/South Wales Group?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 4:00 pm
by Jac
Perhaps you should choose the pub as the hall does not provide a form of entertainment/refreshments and as you say, costs money. There is the DCS General Meeting on 2nd June is the end of May too close?

Re: Monmouthshire/South Wales Group?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 10:47 am
by Saffy
Good point Jac, what date would you suggest?

Re: Monmouthshire/South Wales Group?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:19 am
by Jac
How many of your potential members are showing? 5th or 6th May to be safe (no liability accepted for turnout).

Re: Monmouthshire/South Wales Group?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 6:12 pm
by Saffy
Anyone else want to make suggestion for a venue or a date?

Re: Monmouthshire/South Wales Group?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 6:59 pm
by Jac
How many people have expressed an interest?

Re: Monmouthshire/South Wales Group?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 11:58 am
by Saffy
I am absolutely delighted to see how many people have been looking at this thread!

Please feel free to give your views on the proposed new group by leaving a message below or contact me on 01600 780560 or or leave a PM.

However as there appears to be some interest I have setup a Facebook page is currently TOTALLY devoid of members, so please be the first!!! I hope the link below will take you to it but if not it is called.

South Wales Dexter Owners. And is for people who own or would like to own Dexters and live in or near South Wales.


Re: Monmouthshire/South Wales Group?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 4:06 pm
by Saffy
Yesterday 15th May, I sent out flyers to hopefully all members in South Wales. It is by no means a precise thing as I did it using The 2015 Herd Book and have sent to everyone in it who I believe to be more South than North Wales. So you may have joined since 2015 in which case I apologise for not having your details, I may have sent to you and you may feel you are not in the area. BUT I have done my best.

Anyone else who would like one would be most welcome, I have a few left, just ask. If you are outside the area but would like to join us you will be most welcome! Or our facebook membership can be found here...

I am delighted to say I am already getting replies, most are people wanting to join....brilliant!


Re: Monmouthshire/South Wales Group?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 7:26 am
by Mark Bowles
Well done Stephanie, i am sure you will get success.

Re: Monmouthshire/South Wales Group?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 12:05 pm
by Saffy
If anyone has attempted to email me and it had bounced back or any other problem sending, PLEASE try again after 5pm today, as I have a tech problem I didn't know about and it should be sorted by then.

Thank you


Re: Monmouthshire/South Wales Group?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 1:25 pm
by Saffy
Our FIRST Meeting!!! I have spoken to the owner of The Clarence Inn in Brecon LD3 7ED and arranged for us to meet there. Arrival times are to suit yourselves between 6 and 7pm on 21st July. Early arrivals can choose from the extensive menu or just enjoy a drink and a chat along with a "getting to know you" time with other members before the meeting, if that is too early just arrive for the meeting and we can chat afterwards. The meeting won't start before 7pm,
STOP PRESS - Could people PLEASE let me know if they are coming BY THE 10TH AND if they are likely to order a meal as The Clarence can then keep us table space THANK YOU!!!

Stephanie Powell