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AGM Amendment 4 Bye Laws

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:44 pm
by Pennielea
On the Proxy Form Ordinary Resolution 6 is To amend the Bye Laws and Rules. On the Explanatory Notes the heading is Special Resolution 6. Is this a Clerical error?

Trustees' Expenses
"Para 9.2 Annual General Meeting - it is considered essential only for the Chairperson, the Secretary and the Treasurer to be present therefore only these officers named above will be entitled to claim expenses."
This paragraph was introduced following the AGM in, I think, 2010 in Kent when one Council member claimed expenses. It was designed to prevent Council members in the future from claiming. In my opinion it is not essential for Council members to attend and there is nothing in the Articles requiring them to do so. Alteration of the wording to the proposed amendment
"Para 9.2 It is considered essential that all Trustees attend the AGM"
simply means that Council members will now have a weekend break at the members' expense.

I wonder what the punishment will be for failing to attend?
