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Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:11 am
by debra wiltshire
ragwort...we had a silage cut quicker than planned and think a little ragwort may have wrapped serious is this? for dexter use only :(

Re: ragwort

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:58 am
by Duncan MacIntyre
Ragwort is a very nasty plant and poisoning can result from either eating a large quantity at once or more likely by cumulative effect of eating a small amount over a long period. It is also more palatable if wilted or preserved in hay or silage - none of the toxicity is lost. So if there is any in the silage it is likely that it will be eaten, whereas if it were just growing in pasture they would probably leave it alone. The whole plant is poisonous too, so even small plants which have not reached tall flowering stage would also be a worry - very difficult to provide any advice other than do not feed if there is any quantity present.
