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16 year old cow - time for retirement?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 2:57 am
by Bridgehouse
I have a cow born in 1996, now 16 years old. She is in OK shape and condition, however I was just wondering at what point do people generally not put their cows back to the bull? She calved again this year on march 4th, all by herself, and looking after the calf well.

Re: 16 year old cow - time for retirement?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 7:52 am
by Broomcroft
Personally, with non-shorts, I call it a day at 15, i.e. calve at 15, then cull when weaned. They are still in good condition then and could no doubt produce more calves but I'd rather stop whilst the going is good than push my luck.

Re: 16 year old cow - time for retirement?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 10:49 am
by Rob R
Broomcroft wrote:Personally, with non-shorts, I call it a day at 15, i.e. calve at 15, then cull when weaned. They are still in good condition then and could no doubt produce more calves but I'd rather stop whilst the going is good than push my luck.
Just for comparison, at what age would you call it a day with shorts?

Re: 16 year old cow - time for retirement?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 3:05 pm
by Louisa Gidney
I have a cow born 1994, who had a nice red heifer in March and has been served again. She will not be culled until she has had a year off and still failed to hold to the bull. Other cows have been culled far younger but the reason has always been failure to hold in calf after a good period dry. As long as they breed, and are not crippled with arthritis etc, they stay. Zilch capital depreciation and bombproof experienced mothers, invaluable combination.

Re: 16 year old cow - time for retirement?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 7:50 pm
by Broomcroft
Rob R wrote:Just for comparison, at what age would you call it a day with shorts?
I haven't had shorts for a long time Rob. We had one that got to just over 10, then she developed arthritis (I assume), she couldn't walk, so culled her. Two others I had till they got to about 10, their bags got too close to the floor, so in summary, me and shorts don't get on!

Re: 16 year old cow - time for retirement?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 2:48 am
by goldshaft dexters
If she is holding condition & happy I would let her decide when she's had enough! I know of a Dexter who calved happily at 19 years. A pony we used to own always seem to lose at least 10 years off her age when she was in foal. She had her last foal at 27!

Re: 16 year old cow - time for retirement?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 8:41 am
by davidw
The linear assessment scheme uses livestock assessors who mainly work with commercial dairy herds. One of the first Dexter cows to be assessed in a trial run had produced - I believe - 16 calves. The computer programme had to be altered because it only allowed a maximum of 6 to be recorded. It shows just how productive the "non-commercial" Dexter can be when compared with other breeds.

Re: 16 year old cow - time for retirement?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 3:12 am
by Denise
Wow - what a good breeder David - do u mind if I extrapolate that bit of info and put it into our Aussie bulletin???? please

Re: 16 year old cow - time for retirement?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:57 pm
by marcus
I had a longhorn cow that was 24, she had not calved for two years but was a bit of a pet and was still looking well, so I kept her. I said to my wife that that summer would be her last because she was going back in condition. I found out why one day when I saw her with a dexter cross heifer calf. I thought she was past it but the dexter bull obviously thought differently!!!!. She reared it well and had one more summer here.