Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 1:08 pm
Recent advances in genentic testing of DNA has now made available a test for both the tenderness and marbling gene of beef.
I would be interested if the Dexter Society had made any enquiries into this test and have any Dexter bulls or females been tested for these DNA markers ? Alot of the main stream breeds in the UK and Overseas have been testing cattle and AI bulls, and have received some favourable results in both marbling and tenderness( 'Bos Taurus' (European) breeds) and the 'Bos Indicus' (Asian) breeds are coming up with negative traits for eating quality. I know Beryl Rutherford mentioned that 'Hedgehog' has been tested in Australia, what was the scoring, and could this be a start ?
For anyone interested in this marker/test try the following sites :
I would be interested if the Dexter Society had made any enquiries into this test and have any Dexter bulls or females been tested for these DNA markers ? Alot of the main stream breeds in the UK and Overseas have been testing cattle and AI bulls, and have received some favourable results in both marbling and tenderness( 'Bos Taurus' (European) breeds) and the 'Bos Indicus' (Asian) breeds are coming up with negative traits for eating quality. I know Beryl Rutherford mentioned that 'Hedgehog' has been tested in Australia, what was the scoring, and could this be a start ?
For anyone interested in this marker/test try the following sites :