Good News re. beef

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Posts: 377
Joined: Tue Mar 30, 2004 7:36 am
Location: Dover, kent

Post by moomin »

The F.S.A. has agreed that, when the export ban is lifted, removal of vertebral column SRM for 24 to 30 month animals in the UK should be permitted in local authority authorised butchers. [As now but you won't be able to sell any rib of beef on the bone or T-bone steaks legally.] All the vertebral column will have to go in the blue bins for disposal. The head meat can be removed in the slaughterhouse and it seems as though we might be able to get the cheek back once more but this is not certain at the moment. If you want to check go into the FSA website

My slaughterhouse has just had a letter confirming this.